Define your own success

Always define your own success.

I’m celebrating 20 years since I established my business by sharing 20 short insights on what I’ve learned from the experience.

And what that really means is that it's up to you to choose what success means to you, to set your own goals, to decide what it is that you want.

There's no point going to all the effort and risk and the sacrifice required to establish your own business, only to then follow someone else's guidance about what success looks like, particularly here, is that you will get a lot of people thinking that you've got to grow, you've got to scale.

There's a whole lot of people out there who will tell you what they think are the measures, and that might be their idea of success, but in fact, that might not align with what you're wanting to achieve at all.

So before you make that leap, or before you decide to set something up, or put all your effort into, work out what it is that you really want and make that meaningful to you, and then put all your effort into working towards that.

But don't be misled by what other people's idea of success might look like, because we all have to follow our own path.


You're never too young, or too old


Don't do it for the lifestyle