Ignorance is not bliss


We're told that ‘curiosity killed the cat’ and that ‘ignorance is bliss’. In truth, ignorance is not bliss and curiosity is the cure.

We're all born curious. In fact, curiosity is essential to our survival, as it alerts us to dangers and potential threats. The flip-side of this essential curiosity is the anxiety that comes from being ever alert to threats. At its extreme it can lead to paranoia and a crippling fear of trying anything new.

Ignorance is not bliss. Instead, knowledge is power. Rather than being afraid of the unknown, or defensive in the face of potential threats, a mindset of curiosity helps us to learn and grow through the ever changing uncertainties of life.

Dr Todd Kashdan is a professor of psychology who has done extensive research on curiosity. In his book 'Curious?' he highlights five of the demonstrated 'big benefits' of being highly curious. Those with higher levels of curiosity show improved health, including longer lives. They demonstrate higher overall intelligence, have greater meaning and purpose in their lives, have healthier social relationships, and experience greater fulfilment and ultimate happiness.

While we're all born curious, our curiosity can decline if we don't nurture and encourage it. 

What are you curious about?

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