Influence is about their priorities, not yours.
2020 has seen a shift in focus from the individual to the collective. We've raised our level of consciousness about how even the smallest of our actions may impact others, both individually and collectively.
Engaging stakeholders to take an interest in your proposal or initiative requires a level of influence. To be motivated to take an interest, requires that the person understands how it fits with their own priorities. They're sure to ask, 'What's in it for me?' Whether it's washing hands or investing in infrastructure, human beings make decisions based on their own priorities, as they perceive them.
Engaging stakeholders requires building three cases: the technical case, the business case and the human case. In the technical case, you are applying innovation to create solutions. In the business case, you are demonstrating impact by creating value, and in the human case, you are using influence to create meaning.
Creating the human case requires analysing priorities. Their priorities, not yours. It takes humility to put yourself in someone else's shoes.
How are you exercising humility in your stakeholder engagement?
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