The Dream For Your Next Decade
This photo is from Bastille Day, 14th July, in 2011. The fireworks are illuminating the medieval buildings of the ancient village of St Emilion in the Bordeaux region of France. My husband and I were on our honeymoon, and we recently celebrated our 10th anniversary.
Decades can be a useful milestone for reflection and planning ahead. Too often we get caught up in what's happening in the moment, or we worry about the more short term concerns and pressing challenges. That's important, but it can sometimes bog us down.
The pandemic has made planning hard. Sometimes we can't see beyond today's case numbers, the current restrictions, where we can and can't go today. It's made it very challenging to plan ahead, especially for events where people meet face-to-face. We need to be prepared to change our plans right up to the very last minute.
If instead, we look ahead 10 years, it changes our perspective. There's clear air. We have time to shape what we want things to look like by then.
The further out our plans are, the less detailed they need to be. But they can still be specific, and very powerful.
Where do you want to be in 10 years' time?
If you could see 10 years ahead, what would you do today?
What is the dream for your next decade?
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