How to create real stakeholder value through leading asset management


Organisations have an imperative to create value for stakeholders through their assets. Without an effective asset management system, they are wasting resources, eroding value and increasing risks.

But, so often, asset management is viewed as a technical function rather than core business. Its effectiveness - and the value it could bring to the business - is diminished as it competes with every other function for focus.

Monique is a world leading asset management thinker who can guide you to become a world leading organisation. Monique is known for her strategic mind, her professional integrity, and her ability to bring together teams with competing drivers to work toward a common purpose.


 Where is your organisation on its asset management journey?

You’ve just started on your asset management journey, and or you have the beginnings of an asset management system in place.

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You are well progressed in the technical aspects of asset management and have most elements of an effective asset management system in place.  You’re at the pre-certification stage, seeking certification to, or alignment with, ISO 55001.

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You have been certified to ISO 550001, or achieved an equivalent maturity level via external assessment. You need to maintain momentum, so gains are not lost.


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You’ve maintained certification through one or more cycles. You have an embedded commitment to leading asset management.


You may be asking:

  • How do we get started on our asset management journey?

  • What are the gaps in our asset management system and what do we need to put in place?

  • How do we raise awareness of asset management within our organisation?

You may be asking:

  • How do we align stakeholders who have competing priorities?

  • How do we make clear decisions in a complex environment?

  • How do we prioritise allocation of limited resources?

You may be asking:

  • How do we embed gains and sustain or improve our established maturity level?

  • How do we gain traction of our message with senior stakeholders and the wider business?

  • How do we go beyond compliance to take a strategic role?

You may be asking:

  • How do we foster a culture of innovation?

  • How do we position asset management as a competitive advantage?

  • How are we recognised as leaders in our industry and the wider community?


Leading Asset Management Program

Monique runs a 12 month program for organisations looking to improve their asset management. The program incorporates mentoring for leaders, coaching for teams, facilitated workshops, boardroom briefings, maturity assessments, and your Leading Asset Management Roadmap.

This program will:

  • help you to understand where your organisation is currently, in terms of the maturity of its asset management approach;

  • unite your people in a common purpose; and

  • improve capability and move your organisation from the current maturity to the target maturity.

Talk to Monique about how you could improve the effectiveness of your current asset management system.