the true worth of connection
Mel Kettle
Mel Kettle is passionate about being fully connected and the joy it can bring to our work and our lives. Mel works with leaders to become great by first being fully connected with themselves, so that they can energise and motivate their teams.
In this conversation we talk about the importance of self-care to our resilience as leaders, how taking a bold risk can be life changing and why reading novels helps our creativity and ability to connect with others.
Mel’s latest book is Fully Connected: How great leaders prioritise themselves, reclaim their energy and find joy. You can find it here.
Learn more about Mel’s work at and connect with here on Linked In or Twitter.
Mel Kettle is an internationally recognised expert at fully connected leadership and communication. With more than two decades of experience in strategic communication and leadership and a unique educational combination of a Master of Business (Marketing) and a Master of Public Health, Mel is a valuable asset to leaders and teams that want achieve real connection and sustained engagement. Clients rave about Mel’s sharp insight, her ability to simplify the complex and her capacity to mobilise people and ideas so they can increase their visibility and influence. Mel has been recognised in the leadersHum 2022 Power List of the Top 200 Biggest Voices in Leadership. She is the host of podcast This Connected Life and author of Fully Connected and The Social Association.