What Matters Now
When looking to re-start growth after a catastrophic shock, ideas are our most essential assets. They provide the next step that will set us on our path for future growth. Beyond 2020 what we create is more important than what we own.
It may be counterintuitive to think that we can initiate innovation in the path of catastrophe, but the silt left by flood waters creates a rich and fertile environment to nourish fresh, green shoots.
We are now considering how life and work will change as we move into a 'recovery' phase. Trust is important as we choose who'll we meet with face-to-face, which public places we'll go to and when we'll return to the office, or use public transport. Many aspects of life we once took for granted have now become weighty decisions, with an inbuilt risk analysis before we tentatively step beyond our own front door.
What matters has changed.
How are you navigating this transition and how confident do you feel implementing innovation in the current environment?
For more of my thoughts on how we can navigate beyond 2020, read my chapter 'Begin' in 'What the Hell do we do now?' an Enterprise Guide to COVID-19 and beyond. This collaboration with 17 other authors is already an international best seller. You can get your copy here.
Learn more about the smarts you need to succeed in your asset management career with my free video series.