When it's your business it's also your life

I'm sharing 20 insights from my 20 years in business.

Today's insight is that when it's your business, it's also your life.

As much as we might like to try and separate the two, and legally and financially, that might be the case. But in reality, when you're the business owner, we really can't do those things in isolation.

Part of how we set our goals for our business, is actually considering what we want for our wider life and asking where does our business fit in that context?

When I'm working with business owner clients, that's one of the first things that I try to establish with them,is that actually what are your personal goals here? And therefore, what does that mean for the decisions that you're going to make around your business?

So, that's something to consider. If you are a business owner or if you're considering taking that step, then where does that business fit into your wider life?


Trust your instincts


Yes, you are a leader