monique’s latest articles & insights

mastery requires positivity
Nicole Elliott Nicole Elliott

mastery requires positivity

Self-reflection is not self-flagellation. Rather, mastery of the disciplines we choose to pursue requires taking a positive approach to always finding a better way.

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Curiosity drives innovation
Nicole Elliott Nicole Elliott

Curiosity drives innovation

Curiosity drives innovation, which is an imperative in today’s economy. New York Times writer, Ben Greenman, highlighted what he calls ‘productive frustration’ as something the internet has quashed.

Has rapid access to information diminished our ingenuity, or can it help us to harness it?

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Great ideas don't strike like lightning
Nicole Elliott Nicole Elliott

Great ideas don't strike like lightning

There’s a myth in Western culture about the hero scientist - Newton being struck by an apple, Archimedes leaping from the bath exclaiming Eureka! We can be led to believe that innovation requires a lightning bolt of genius inspiration.

Fear of failure can hold us back, but we have no need to be intimidated by these hero stories. Instead we can harness our inherent human ingenuity and create an environment in which it can flourish.

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Congruence illuminates integrity
Nicole Elliott Nicole Elliott

Congruence illuminates integrity

That we do what we say we will do is the definition of integrity. Whenever we try to act in conflict with our stated beliefs, we suffer what Aristotle spoke of as cognitive dissonance. To us, it's uncomfortable, like ill-fitting clothing. To others, it's hypocrisy - the patterns don't line up.

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Grit begets Grit
Nicole Elliott Nicole Elliott

Grit begets Grit

Are gritty people more successful, or are successful people more gritty?

It's a classic chicken and egg conundrum. While we know they are related, which came first?

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Ignorance is not bliss
Nicole Elliott Nicole Elliott

Ignorance is not bliss

Ignorance is not bliss. Instead, knowledge is power. Rather than being afraid of the unknown, or defensive in the face of potential threats, a mindset of curiosity helps us to learn and grow through the ever changing uncertainties of life.

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Ideas on their own aren't innovation
Nicole Elliott Nicole Elliott

Ideas on their own aren't innovation

Just as raw meat isn’t a meal, ideas on their own are not innovation. Innovation creates value from ideas, and this only happens when the ideas are implemented. An idea without implementation is just a thought bubble.

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Season’s Greetings
Monique Beedles Monique Beedles

Season’s Greetings

After what has been a tough year all round, there's something comforting about the familiar traditions of Christmas.

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Playing to win
Monique Beedles Monique Beedles

Playing to win

Golf is a multifaceted game. Just hitting the ball further might look impressive, but it won’t necessarily improve your score and help you to win the game.

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Lead with warmth, follow with competence
Monique Beedles Monique Beedles

Lead with warmth, follow with competence

It's easy to spend a lot of time getting your facts right in order to 'prove' a point. Getting the facts right is important, but people connect first as human beings and it's your human qualities that are essential for building trust.

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Email is not engagement
Monique Beedles Monique Beedles

Email is not engagement

Engagement needs to be synchronous, rather than asynchronous. There must be live dialogue, not disconnected messages going back and forth.

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What Matters Now
Monique Beedles Monique Beedles

What Matters Now

When looking to re-start growth after a catastrophic shock, ideas are our most essential assets. They provide the next step that will set us on our path for future growth. Beyond 2020 what we create is more important than what we own.

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Making meaning is what makes us human
Monique Beedles Monique Beedles

Making meaning is what makes us human

Meaning is created in the context of our connection with other human beings. Like an electrical circuit, energy only flows when the connection is complete.

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Influence is about their priorities, not yours.
Monique Beedles Monique Beedles

Influence is about their priorities, not yours.

2020 has seen a shift in focus from the individual to the collective. We've raised our level of consciousness about how even the smallest of our actions may impact others, both individually and collectively.

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How do we navigate beyond 2020?
Monique Beedles Monique Beedles

How do we navigate beyond 2020?

2020 has been a year of significant disruption to organisations around the world. The pandemic has shaken business, the economy and society to its core and profoundly changed our priorities and operations.

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How Are You Cultivating Connection?
Monique Beedles Monique Beedles

How Are You Cultivating Connection?

Leaders need to be deliberate about creating opportunities for engagement, whether that's in-person, or online. To engage your team, and empower them to engage others, connections need to be cultivated, not left to random chance.

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Sun Tzu and the Art of RetreaT
Monique Beedles Monique Beedles

Sun Tzu and the Art of RetreaT

Studying for a PhD in Strategy, Sun Tzu was compulsory reading. In the twenty years since then, I've continued to revisit these ancient writings each year, always gleaning something new.

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No Risk Doesn't Exist
Anna Stanford Anna Stanford

No Risk Doesn't Exist

Some years ago, as a board director, I was involved in negotiations with another company for a potential joint venture. Part of my role was to identify and assess the strategic risks to our company. At one point in the conversation, the CEO of the other company made the statement that ‘There is no risk.’

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